So its a new year and society wants a newer, skinny you.

Its a new year, and as always, the media and co promote that you go and be a better, skinnier person. This blog post was inspired by this post on Cosmopolitan Facebook page 

Once again, the advertisements for weight loss suffocate us. The options, so many of them, from the hundreds of diets, the exercise DVD’s, the weight loss pills, to the double page spread on our local newspaper telling us what to (and not to) eat. Lets face it, its everywhere, and I for one am sick of it!

On my own facebook page, my homepage, is full of the ‘sponsored adverts’ telling me I can lose two stone in a month, I can take those magical diet drops, and be transformed into a skeletal beauty. I can also transform my mental attitude, and that will help me lose weight, or I can avail of my local gyms bargain of a membership offer. 

Why is society so transfixed on weight loss? Why is it so adamant that we lower the number that appears when we stand on a weighing scales. Does that number even mean anything? After all, it is only our relationship with gravity, it does not say anything about our level of physical health, which should be most important. Society tells us we should lose weight, it does not matter what size we are already, but we must become smaller, more petite.

Its a new year, as far as resolutions go, we should be focusing on the important stuff, our families, our mental and physical health, trying new things and breaking out of our comfort zones. We are humans, and we strive for happiness, we will not find that happiness in weight loss. The media tries to tell us how happy we will be if we lose weight, but no, no it will not add anything to how you feel about yourself. Thing is, your shape is always gonna remain the same, no matter how much you lose.

This new year, lets strive to try new things, lets rebuild broken friendships, lets accept people for who they are, lets become better, happier people by forgiving others, and opening our minds.  


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